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Slope steps

How exactly do slope steps work and when are which models suitable?
The uneven ground level of properties can make the design of outdoor facilities difficult and result in large areas remaining unused or harbouring safety risks when walking on them. As a practical solution for any uneven terrain, we would like to introduce you to our slope steps with sturdy spikes that can be easily anchored in the ground.

Aluminium slope steps have proven to be a versatile solution for a wide variety of surfaces. Thanks to their pointed spikes, they provide the desired grip on grass as well as in soil or gravel. Whilst slippery paths become safer with the installation of slope steps, steep slopes are easier to climb. You can place the aluminium slope steps next to each other or on top of each other, which provides a stable solution for a firm hold, especially on larger slopes.
As an alternative to aluminium steps, we also offer stainless steel models. These impress with their robustness and durability. Thanks to the simple designs, you can build clever and flexible steps in your outdoor area based on our slope steps yourself, without having to have any special technical skills. The sloping steps are simply inserted into the ground and fixed in place using a crossbar. The design we have developed even makes it possible to use the steps in areas that are both sloping and uneven.

How are slope steps installed?
The installation of slope steps, often also called stair treads or steps for slopes, requires careful planning and execution. Appropriate planning is the only way to ensure that the finished steps are safe and functional. Nevertheless, installation is extremely simple, which is why slope steps are becoming increasingly popular.
Before you buy metal slope steps, you should determine the total height of the slope that you want to equip and overcome with the steps later. Other factors such as the gradient and the number of steps required must also be taken into account. It is also advisable to comply with local building regulations and find out about them. Due to the ease of installation, this is all the preparation that needs to be done. Once these parameters have been determined, you can order the required number of steps.

Once these have been delivered, assembly is a simple task. First of all, you need to position the steps on the slope and press the rear feet into the ground to a depth of around four centimetres. Now use a rubber mallet and spirit level to align the treads with the slope. To ensure the necessary hold, it is now necessary to orientate yourself to the front feet and remember - or write down if necessary - which is the lowest, now still visible hole in the front feet. The steel rod will later be guided through these holes.
Then take the steel step out of the ground again. Now guide the steel rod through the two noted or marked holes so that the rod protrudes on both sides of the slope step. The step is then repositioned on the slope and levelled using a rubber mallet and spirit level. To ensure the desired stability, you should carry out a stand test after installing each slope step and make sure that it does not move.

Advantages of steel slope steps
Two advantages are often cited at the forefront when it comes to slope steps. The first is safety on rough terrain and the second is the lower cost compared to the complex installation of stairs. However, to reduce steel slope steps to these two aspects alone would not do them justice.
Another advantage is undoubtedly their durability. Steel is undoubtedly a robust and durable material. If slope steps are made of steel, they have specific advantages. They are extremely resistant to weathering, corrosion and fire - properties that many staircases, for example, do not have. All in all, it can therefore be said that they generally have a longer service life and require little to no maintenance.
Another advantage of metal slope steps is their stability. They are generally very stable and are therefore able to bear heavy loads. This makes them ideal for places where a high load-bearing capacity is required - for example on steep slopes in your own garden.
If you decide to buy metal slope steps and use them in your own garden, you also get a versatile staircase alternative. Steel slope steps can be manufactured in various shapes and sizes to meet the requirements of the project in question. It is also possible to use lightweight versions made of aluminium, for example. The bottom line is that they offer a high degree of flexibility, thanks to which even specific requirements can be met in most cases. Last but not least, environmental friendliness is also a key aspect that is increasingly coming to the fore. Steel is a recyclable material, which is why the slope steps can be easily recycled after use. This contributes to sustainability and reduces the ecological footprint.

Building slope steps yourself - what to look out for
Basically, it is also possible to build slope steps yourself. However, there are a few factors that you should be aware of. First of all, self-made steps involve a great deal of effort and high costs. As each step has to be made individually, the time factor in particular should not be neglected. Furthermore, it is essential to plan and construct slope steps properly to ensure that they are stable and in line with the local conditions. If crucial points are not taken into account during planning and construction, instability can be one of the possible consequences, which in the worst case can lead to serious safety risks.
Last but not least, it is important to bear in mind that the construction of slope steps can have an environmental impact. This applies first and foremost if the steps are not installed properly. In such situations, both the stability of the soil and the surrounding vegetation can be affected.
Due to the large number of potential problems, it is advisable in most cases not to build slope steps yourself, but to purchase high-quality metal slope steps. This will ensure that you receive products that can withstand the rigours of everyday use.

Conclusion - making uneven terrain accessible in no time at all
A steel or metal slope step is a clever solution for gardens and grounds with steep passages. Even hilly terrain can be made accessible in no time at all with their help. The installation of slope steps requires careful planning in terms of the height of the slope, gradient and number of steps required, but the installation itself is simple and requires no prior technical knowledge.
Although it is possible to build slope steps yourself, this often involves a lot of effort, cost and potential problems. A professional solution, such as buying high-quality metal steps, is usually the safer and more efficient choice.
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