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Steel steps (also called embankment steps) flexibly used as mobile steps in the garden. Work safely on steep terrain.

sicheres arbeiten Garten

Steps arranged straight

Landschaftsarchitektur steiles Gelände

Steps arranged straight

Gartengestaltung Hanglage

Steps laterally + arranged straight

Böschungspflege Hang

Steps sideways + straight arranged

Böschung Stufen bauen

Step "Maxi" 280 x 560 mm

Außentreppe Steilhang

Step "Maxi" 280 x 560 mm

Arbeitssicherheit Gemeinde

Step "Maxi" 280 x 560 mm, knee pad

Außentreppe selber bauen

Step "Maxi" 280 x 560 mm, knee pad


Steep slope (side view)


Steep slope (front view)

Steilhang Stufe

Slight slope (side view)

Steilhang Tritt

Slight slope (front view)

Steiles Gelände Stufe

Steep lateral slope (side view)

Treppenstufen Hang

Slight lateral slope (side view)

Treppe Garten

Strong lateral slope + bar at the back (front view)

Steilhang begehbar machen

Slight lateral slope + bar at the back (view from the side)

Treppenstufen Hang

Design in raw steel (results in rust look)

Treppe steiles Gelände

Raw steel version (gives rust look), with punched serrated holes